Choose the Right Dumpster Sizes for Your Job

Whether you’re clearing out your basement, remodeling the kitchen, or setting up a construction site, we’re ready to help you choose the dumpster best suited for your needs. Click below to learn more about our two available sizes.

15 yard dumpster dimensions

15-Yard Dumpter Rental

Our 15-yard dumpster is the best option for the majority of residential-type projects, such as large cleanup, landscaping, and remodeling jobs. This roll-off dumpster holds the equivalent of six pickup truck beds, but its dimensions allow it to easily fit in most residential driveways.

If you are looking to avoid multiple trips to the landfill during your project or simply want to save time clearing out long-forgotten storage items leading up to a move, this dumpster is the ideal choice for you.

With a weight capacity of ten tons, the 15-yard dumpster is also great for disposing of heavy waste, including stone, concrete, and dirt.

30 yard dumpster dimensions

30-Yard Dumpter Rental

Our 30-yard dumpster is large enough to handle all waste produced by the largest residential projects, from multiple-room remodels to roofing and major landscaping efforts. Most commercial and large construction projects also require the additional space provided with a 30-yard dumpster, which holds the equivalent of 12 pickup truck loads. For large, heavy, and bulky items, our dumpsters include walk-in doors for easy walk-in. In addition, the higher walls of a 30-yard dumpster make it easier to dispose of furniture and other oversized items.

Due to its size, a 30-yard dumpster may not be practical for some residential applications with limited driveway/road space. Please consult with our experienced agents if you’re not sure which size is best for your project.

Call (843) 300-8664 now or Book Online for a fast reliable same day dumpster rental!

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